Hadson Immigration

Average Salary in Canada (2022)

Average Salary in Canada (2022)

A vast majority of skilled employees from around the world wish to settle in Canada because of the lucrative job opportunities and salary packages offered here.

  • The average salary in Canada for skilled workers ranges between CAD 54,600 and CAD 105,00, annually.

Also, it is important to note that the average salary in Canada may vary depending on the job type, experience, skills, and employers.

If you are moving to Canada, or already live here and are doing some research, then the most important factor that you are thinking about is income. You want to make sure that the new opportunity you are considering has a promising salary. In fact, you want to make enough to spoil yourself in Canada, as it’s such a beautiful country to do so in.

Average Salary in Canada (2022)

$54,630 per year

$4,552 per month

The average salary in Canada is $54,630 per year or $1050 per week (gross income). The average hourly wage rate in Canada is $ 29.51, considering both full- and part-time employees (Source: Statistics Canada, Employee wages by industry, annual).

The Average Salary in Canada Province-Wise:

The average Salary varies from region to region in Canada. It depends on the cost of living and other factors of that particular region, which impacts how much wage or pay you will be getting.

Here are the 2022 average salary by location:

Alberta$61,865$60,000a decrease of 3.06%
British Columbia$53,416$50,749a decrease of 5.12%
Manitoba$49,661$59,426an increase of 17.9%
Newfoundland and Labrador$55,508$57,900an increase of 4.2%
Nova Scotia$48,470$45,900a decrease of 5.45%
New Brunswick$49,511$43,400a decrease of 12.34%
Northwest Territories$65,017$64,056a decrease of 1.48%
Nunavut$87,355$82,875a decrease of 5.13%
Ontario$55,524$52,600a decrease of 5.23%
Prince Edward Island$45,912$44,700a decrease of 2.7%
Quebec$51,735$53,300an increase of 3.03%
Saskatchewan$54,371$51,300a decrease of 5.65%
Yukon$61,812$67,207an increase of 8.73%
  • While the average Canadian income has decreased slightly, this does not imply that there were decreases province and territory wide

The average wage remains high in historically prosperous regions like:

  • British Columbia
  • Northwest Territories
  • Yukon
  • Nunavut
  • Alberta

The Range of Salaries in Canada

  • The salary range in Canada ranges between 30,200 CAD or INR 1763897 to an average salary of 534,000 CAD or INR 31189445.

Salary with Respect to Experience

  • You get a 32% hike in wages when you are working for 2-5 years.
  • A 36% hike in salary for working 5-10 years.
  • A 21% raise in salary for an experience of 10-15 years.
  • 14% hike for 15-20 years, and
  • 9% rise for 20+ years.

Rise of Salary with Respect to Education Level

  • An employee gets a 17% hike in salary after completing High School and a Certificate or Diploma course.
  • A 24% hike for bachelor’s degrees.
  • A 29% rise after completing a master’s degree.
  • And, a 23% rise for Ph.D. holders.
Salary comparison by Gender: Men in Canada earn 5% more than females on average in every career field. 

Pursue Higher Education in Canada to Get the Best Employment Opportunities

Canada offers easy immigration policies and programs like SDS (Student Direct Stream) and PGWP (Post-Graduation Work Permit), motivating international students to look for work opportunities after the completion of their courses.

The job market is robust and dynamic and offers employment opportunities with high salary packages. Faculty members with international repute, globally ranked research centers, and world-class educational facilities have made Canada one of the most preferred destinations for overseas education.

Popular Salaries

Deviation from the national average salary
Software Developer
Project Manager
Truck Driver

Industries With The Most Growth In Canada:

The University of Toronto, McGill University, and University of British Columbia are among the 28 Canadian universities in QS World University Rankings 2022. Because of its reputation for unrivaled educational excellence and good student life, Canada consistently ranks first among the best study destinations in the world.

Apart from deciding on a study place, the next step for aspiring foreign students is choosing the ideal course.

Choosing a degree is an essential aspect of the international equation journey because it depends not only on one’s abilities and educational background but also on how one perceives himself succeeding in a future-ready industry.


Commercial Banking

IT Advisory Services

Chemical and Petroleum Industry


What is the average salary per hour in Canada?

In Canada, the average yearly salary is CAD 39,127, or CAD 20.07 per hour.
Entry-level jobs start at CAD 34,125 per year, with the highest-paid individuals earning up to CAD 72,249 per year.

What is the average salary for a software engineer in Canada?

The average software engineer income is $94,309 per year ($48.36 per hour) in Canada. Entry-level jobs start at $78,000 per year, with the highest-paid individuals earning $135,086 per year.

How much is the average salary after MS in Canada?

The average salary after MS in Canada is approximately $68,000 or INR 3972166 annually.

How much is the average salary in Canada after an MS in computer science?

The average salary in Canada after MS in computer science is nearly CAD 62,615 (INR 36 lakh) per year or CAD 32.11 (INR 1,869) per hour.

The first step towards moving to Canada is to get an assessment of your specific situation. Call us today at 1+613.222.7154 for an assessment to see if you are eligible to move to Canada, or fill out our online assessment form. 

Whatsapp:  1+613.222.7154

Discover your Canadian immigration options! Complete our free assessment today and a member of the HadsonTeam will contact you to discuss your immigration to Canada.

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