Payment methods

Hadson Immigration Corporation is a Canadian Company head quartered in Vancouver, British Columbia and is performing all immigration matters regulated under ICCRC/CICC regulatory body license number RCIC 710137.

To be the number one choice among all Immigration firm helping businessmen and women to continue their success in Canada and build their future along with their families and partners through legal and facilitated immigration stream.

Some of our services provided

Looking for help with your move to Canada? View our list of regulated, professional immigration consultants and get the assistance you need.

Ways to make a payment:

eTransfer: Please make all eTransfers to “info (at sign)”

To pay for each stage of your immigration contract, through on your home country, You can contact us and we introduce an exchange office in your home country.

Our bank accounts in Canada

If you want to pay by PayPal ask us and we will email you an invoice to paypal.

Credit Cards

Just go to our on-line payment portal, select the service fee you want to pay and pay with your credit cards, then forward the receipt to us.

CLICK here to pay with credit card

➡️ Please contact your advisor for our payment bank details at TD Bank
(transit/ institution/ account number)
If you are using our services, agreed our terms and policies.